["Autoamerican" Readme file] B L O N D I E A U T O A M E R I C A N * * * DESKTOP THEME COMMEMORATING THE PARALLEL Auto ALBUM {for Windows95 with MS PLUS!} "So easy to do your stuff, so easy to live it up!" ______________________________________________________________ Table of Contents: (1) Introduction (2) System Requirements (3) Installation & Removal (4) Credits _______________________________________________________________ (1) Introduction Welcome to the Blondie/Autoamerican Theme This is a copy of a freeware desktop theme package for Windows95 with MS Plus! The theme commemorates the Blondie album "Autoamerican". For more information visit the Blondie Web Site at; http://www.thehub.com.au/~bchudso/blondie.html Please take a few minutes to read the system requirements and installation. I hope you enjoy this theme as much as I did in making it. Faithfully, Fraser White bchudso@thehub.com.au _______________________________________________________________ (2) System Requirements * Windows95 * Microsoft Plus! add-on enhancement/upgrade. * Video card capable of at least "Hi-color resolution". A 256-color card is also acceptable though not optimal. Please don't try using this theme with only 16 colors. * Video resolution preferably at 800x600 pixels, (but it can work also with 640x480 pixels) * Sound card with at least 16-bit wave PCM capabilities. _______________________________________________________________ (3) Installation & Removal To install the theme unzip* the files into any temporary directory such as; ***C:\Temp*** on your computer. When unzipped you will have a directory structure that will look something like this: *****C:\Temp\Themes\Auto***** Move the "Auto " folder and the 3 "Autoamerican.theme" files to the *DEFAULT* MS Plus! themes folder (i.e. the directory where MS Plus! has installed all of its theme files on your computer). This is usually: ***** C:\Program Files\Plus!\Themes\ ***** {Please maintain the original directory structure (i.e. leave the all the files except for the "Autoamerican.theme" files in the folder called "Auto". When installed correctly your directory structure should look like this;} ****C:\Program Files\Plus!\Themes\Auto***** Afterwards, go into your MS Plus! Desktop theme manager (in your system's control panel) and choose the "Autoamerican" theme. You should also be aware the theme package comes with four variations, including different backgrounds, icons, etc. They are titled "Autoamerican", "Autoamerican1" and "Autoamerican2. You're done! To remove this theme, simply go into the Themes folder and delete the "Auto" directory and the three theme files. *If you don't have your own copy of Winzip for windows, please download a copy at ZDNET Shareware Library at; http://www.downloadnow.com _______________________________________________________________ (4) Credits Some of the elements (ie. cursors,) of the "Debbie Harry" theme were modified from existing sources found publicly on the WWW. My thanks go to Jeff Lo and Brett Hudson who helped with advice, materials etc., which went into making this theme. Of course much credit goes to Blondie for the music. Individual Credits: The "Autoamerican" backgrounds: (c) by Chrysalis Records Ltd. Photos by, Brian Aris. Icons & Cursors: Created by Fraser White from Debbie Harry film clips & cover art Sounds: Compiled and edited for the theme by Fraser White. Original Music (c) 1981, by Chrysalis Records Ltd. Vocals by, Debbie Harry. Theme designed and executed by, Fraser White. Enjoy the theme! Fraser White bchudso@thehub.com.au Legal: -- "Autoamerican" Desktop Theme is freeware and is distributed "as is" without any explicit or implicit warranties.* -- "Soundtrack and art work are copyrighted by their respective authors. -- *This theme is not to be distributed without my express permission. ("Autoamerican" Desktop Theme (C)1998 by Fraser White).